Company Information

Quality Philosophy

YOSHIWA KOGYO Co.,Ltd. always aims to be the No.1 company for product quality and develop permanently with the trust of our customers.

Our main products of cast iron automotive parts are essential for automotive manufacturing because they are the most important security parts relating to car user's lives and safety, and widely used as fabricated materials. From this standpoint, we keep striving to achieve better quality assurance and quality improvement of our products.

Customer satisfaction
Defect PreventionWe prevent defects and errors frim occurring in parts and automobile supply chains, and thereby achieve our quality objective.
For Better Customer SatisfactionEach member of our staff does the best in his/her own role to meet the required quality and achieve for better customer satisfaction.
Management System
Building of Management SystemTo ensure the top quality of our products, we are now building our quality management system and aiming to put it in every section relating to quality management.
Thoroughness in Quality PolicyWe document our quality policy, implement it thoroughly with all employees, and review it regularly with the corporate manager.
Continuous Improvement
For Continuous Quality ImprovementBy operating and reviewing the quality management system, we strive to improve the quality performance of our products and the system itself.
Stability of Product QualityWe control and keep the variation of product quality in an adequate range and thereby reduce the additional cost caused by poor quality.

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